This European Standard specifies requirements and test conditions of machines for processing Artisan Gelato, ice cream and similar frozen desserts.
It defines machines performance characteristics and energy consumption, measured under specified conditions and test methods, using a reference test mix.
This European Standard applies to professional machines having a maximum capacity of 400 l, for thermal-treatment of Artisan Gelato, ice cream and similar frozen desserts listed as follows:
- pasteurizers;
- ageing vats;
- cream cookers;
- batch freezers;
- combined machines.
The machine can be factory assembled or field connected to a remote condensing unit.
The machine can include separate remote refrigeration systems for the frozen product and fresh mix and can be either air-cooled or water-cooled.
Directives related to this standards.
Direktiva 2009/125/EC e Parlamentit Europian dhe e Këshillit e 6 korrik 2005 që krijon një sistem për vendosjen e kërkesave të projektimit ekologjik për produktet që përdorin energji dhe Direktiva e Këshillit 92/42/EEC e amenduar dhe Direktivat 96/57/EC dhe 2000/55/EC të Parlamentit Europian dhe Këshillit
SSH EN 16754:2016
Standard published
7 shk 2017