This European Standard describes two test methods (method A and method B) for determining the susceptibility of abrasion by studded tyres, tested on cylindrical specimens of bituminous mixtures. The test methods are applicable to bituminous mixtures with aggregate with upper sieve size not exceeding 22 mm.
The tests are applicable to laboratory produced specimens or cores drilled from a slab or pavement.
NOTE 1 Method A originates from the ‘Prall’-method, which has been improved by comprehensive Nordic research work. The method correlates with abrasion in the field when using paving grade bitumen. According to Nordic experience by method A the correlation between laboratory and abrasion in field is not established when polymer modified bitumen or rubber modified bitumen, etc. is used.
NOTE 2 Method B originates from Finnish experience and is suitable also when polymer modified bitumen is used. The correlation between laboratory and abrasion in field is not established when rubber is used.
SSH EN 12697-16:2004
SSH EN 12697-16:2016
Standard published
18 jan 2017
prSSH EN 12697-16:2024