ISO 16993:2016 gives formulae which allow analytical data relating to solid biofuels to be expressed on the different bases in common use. Consideration is given to corrections that can be applied to certain determined values for solid biofuels prior to their calculation to other bases.
In Annex A, tools for integrity checks of analytical results are given. In Annex B, conversion factors for calculation into other units are given. Annex C is a guideline for the use of validation parameters as can be found in ISO/TC 238 analytical standards.
Directives related to this standards.
Direktiva 2000/76/EC e Parlamentit Europian dhe e Këshillit të datës 4 dhjetor 2000 mbi djegien e mbeturinave
SSH EN ISO 16993:2015
SSH EN ISO 16993:2016
Standard published
29 mar 2017