ISO 20623:2003 specifies procedures for the measurement of the extreme-pressure (EP) and anti-wear properties of lubricating oils and fluids by means of the four ball machine. The conditions of test are those that apply in Europe and other areas that have similar electrical supply characteristics (200 V to 250 V, 50 Hz). In North America, the conditions of test are slightly different, but provide a similar ranking of the lubricating properties of fluids. The test conditions are not intended to simulate particular service conditions, but to provide information over a range of standard conditions for the purpose of research, development, quality control and fluid ranking. The output is used in lubricant specifications.
Directives related to this standards.
Direktiva e Këshillit 92/104/EEC të datës 3 dhjetor 1992 mbi kërkesat minimale për përmirësimin e sigurisë dhe mbrojtjes së shëndetit të punëtorëve në sipërfaqe dhe industri nxjerrëse minerale nëntokësore (Direktiva e dymbëdhjetë individuale brenda kuptimit të nenit 16 (1) të Direktivës 89/391 / EEC)
SSH EN ISO 20623:2005
Withdrawal of Standard
26 sht 2018
SSH EN ISO 20623:2018