A feasibility study has been performed to see whether a standard for this subject can be developed. CEN/TC331 decided it was not feasible but the results should be kept therefore the report is transferred into a Technical Report.
Registered postal items contain - by nature - important messages or goods. Any of such items, which may be delivered to a person not being authorized to receive them may cause substantial problems, even if the correct addressee receives it afterwards. The knowledge of the quality performed by the operator would therefore give the customer an indication, to which extend registered postal items are delivered.
It was originally aimed to specify requirements for a method and its implementation aiming at measuring another aspect of the quality of delivery. It deals specifically with registered postal items delivered to someone not authorized to get them.
Directives related to this standards.
Rregulla të përgjithshme për zhvillimin e tregut të brendshëm të shërbimeve postale të Komunitetit dhe përmirësimi i cilësisë së shërbimit
DS CEN/TR 16706:2014
Standard published
26 qer 2015