ISO/TS 16407-1:2011 specifies the test suite structure (TSS) and test purposes (TP) to evaluate the conformity of Front End and Back End to ISO/TS 17575-1.
The objective of ISO/TS 16407-1:2011 is to provide a basis for conformance tests for the Front End and the Back End in electronic fee collection (EFC) based on autonomous on-board equipment (OBE) to enable interoperability between different equipment supplied by different manufacturers.
Directives related to this standards.
Direktiva 2004/52/EC e Parlamentit Europian dhe e Këshillit e 29 prillit 2004 mbi ndërveprimin e sistemeve elektronike të taksës rrugore në Komunitet (Tekst me EEA)
DS CEN ISO/TS 16407-1:2011
Withdrawal of Standard
29 maj 2018
SSH EN ISO 16407-1:2017