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SSH EN 60068-1:2014

Provat e mjedisit - Pjesa 1 : Të përgjithshme dhe udhëzime

Environmental testing - Part 1: General and guidance
19 dhj 2014

General information

60.60     26 nën 2014



European Norm





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IEC 60068-1:2013 includes a series of methods for environmental testing along with their appropriate severities, and prescribes various atmospheric conditions for measurements and tests designed to assess the ability of specimens to perform under expected conditions of transportation, storage and all aspects of operational use. Although primarily intended for electrotechnical products, this standard is not restricted to them and may be used in other fields where desired. Other methods of environmental testing, specific to the individual types of specimen, may be included in the relevant specifications. The framework of environmental test tailoring process is given in order to assist the production of test specifications with appropriate tests and test severities. This seventh edition cancels and replaces the sixth edition, published in 1988, and constitutes a technical revision. The main changes with respect to the previous edition are listed below: - updated normative reference list; - indication of normative and informative annexes; - new informative Annex C, Environmental test tailoring.

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SSH EN 60068-1:1994


SSH EN 60068-1:2014
60.60 Standard published
26 nën 2014

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Adopted from EN 60068-1:2014

Adopted from IEC 60068-1 Ed. 7.0 b