Telat ngjitës solidë dhe të mbushur me fluks - Specifikime dhe metodat e provave - Pjesa 3: Metoda e proves me peshore me lagështim per efektshmërinë e telave ngjitës të mbushur me fluks
Solder wire, solid and flux cored - Specifications and tests methods - Part 3: Wetting balance test method for flux cored solder wire efficacy (ISO 12224-3:2003)
ISO 12224-3:2003 specifies a wetting balance test method for measuring the flux efficacy of a cored solder wire for the electronics industry. The test is applicable to all classes of flux listed in ISO 9454-1.
Life cycle
PUBLISHED SSH EN ISO 12224-3:2003 60.60
Standard published 1 jan 2006