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SSH EN 1035:2002

Makineri për regjien e lëkurës - Makineri në plane të lëvizshme - Kërkesat e sigurisë

Tannery machines - Moving platen machinery - Safety requirements
7 jan 2002

General information

60.60     7 jan 2002


DPS/KT 309

European Norm





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This European Standard specifies safety requirements for all the phases of the life of a machine listed in 3.11.a of EN 292-1:1991. Moving platen machines are machines used for the processing of animal hides and skins. They are table type processing machines which are equipped with: - vertical opening and closing movement, - alternative horizontal feed-in and feed-out movement. This European standard covers the following machines (see figures 1 to 5 for typical configurations and normative annex C for descriptions): a) vacuum dryers with vertical movement (...); b) vacuum dryers with horizontal and vertical movement (...); c) vacuum stretching machines (...); d) platen ironing and embossing machines with vertical movement (...); e) platen ironing and embossing machines with horizontal and vertical movement (...). It takes account of intended use, foreseeable misuse, component and systems failure. This European Standard applies to the machines manufactured after its date of issue. All the significant hazards listed in clause 4 are covered by the requirements included in clause 5 except: - dust, fume, vapour and liquid emissions for which general guidelines are proposed in the informative annex B. Designers and manufacturers shall verify directly that the methods adopted to reduce these hazards have been successful.

Related directives

Directives related to this standards.



Të harmonizuara

Life cycle


SSH EN 1035:2002
60.60 Standard published
7 jan 2002

Related project

Adopted from EN 1035:1998