This European Standard specifies stamp marking requirements for transportable refillable LPG cylinders and metallic drums including:
- Steel LPG cylinders designed and manufactured in accordance with EN 1442, EN 14140, EN 12807 or an equivalent standard or technical code recognised by the Competent Authority.
- LPG metallic drums designed and manufactured in accordance with EN 14893 or an equivalent standard or technical code recognised by the Competent Authority.
- Welded aluminium LPG cylinders designed and manufactured in accordance with EN 13110 or an equivalent standard or technical code recognised by the Competent Authority.
- LPG composite cylinders designed and manufactured in accordance with EN 14427 or an equivalent standard or technical code recognised by the Competent Authority.
NOTE All these types of receptacles are referred to throughout this standard as "cylinders".
This standard does not specify any requirements for product, hazard or safety-phrase labelling of packaging which may be required to meet ADR or other legislative requirements.
Directives related to this standards.
Directve 2008/68/EC e Parlamentit Europian dhe e Këshillit e 24 shtator 2008 e transportit të brendëshëm të mallrave të rrezikshme
SSH EN 14894:2011
Withdrawal of Standard
27 nën 2013
SSH EN 14894:2013