ISO 10156:2010 specifies methods for determining whether or not a gas or gas mixture is flammable in air and whether a gas or gas mixture is more or less oxidizing than air under atmospheric conditions.
It is intended to be used for the classification of gases and gas mixtures including the selection of gas cylinder valve outlets.
It does not cover the safe preparation of these mixtures under pressure and at temperatures other than ambient.
Directives related to this standards.
Directve 2008/68/EC e Parlamentit Europian dhe e Këshillit e 24 shtator 2008 e transportit të brendëshëm të mallrave të rrezikshme
SSH EN ISO 10156-2:2007
SSH EN ISO 10156:2010
Withdrawal of Standard
25 tet 2018
SSH EN ISO 10156:2017