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SSH EN 14255-4:2006

Matja dhe vlerësimi i ekspozimit personal të rrezatimit optik jokoherent - Pjesa 4: Terminologjia dhe madhësitë të përdorura për matjet e ekspozimeve në rrezatimet UV, të dukshme dhe IR

Measurement and assessment of personal exposures to incoherent optical radiation - Part 4: Terminology and quantities used in UV-, visible and IR-exposure measurements
28 maj 2010

General information

60.60     28 maj 2010



European Norm

01.040.17     17.180.20     17.240  




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This standard specifies the terminology and the quantities that are used in UV-, VIS- and IR-exposure measurements according to parts 1, 2 and 3 of EN 14255.
NOTE Parts 1 and 2 were published in 2005, while part 3 is under preparation.
This standard can also be applied to the terminology and quantities used in international recommendations from, e.g. ICNIRP, CIE, etc. The purpose of this standard is to unify the definitions of quantities for optical radiation measurements since inconsistencies occur between existing publications from different origins.

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SSH EN 14255-4:2006
60.60 Standard published
28 maj 2010

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Adopted from EN 14255-4:2006


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