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SSH ISO 10241:2008

Standarde ndërkombëtare për terminologjinë - Përgatitja dhe struktura

International terminology standards — Preparation and layout
1 jan 2008

General information

60.60     1 jan 2008


DPS/KT 304

International Standard

01.020     01.120  




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Establishes rules for the preparation: preliminary work (needs analysis, target group, subject delimitation, sources, number of concepts, choice of languages, schedule) and working procedure (collecting and recording terminological data, establishing the term list, concept fields and concept systems, formulating definitions, coining and selecting terms), as well as for the terminography (structuring of entries, order of entries, indexes, graphic representation, bibliography). Does not deal with changes that may be necessary when an International Standard is adopted as a national standard.

Life cycle


SSH ISO 10241:2008
60.60 Standard published
1 jan 2008

Related project

Adopted from ISO 10241:1992


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