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DS CEN/TR 15214-3:2006

Karakterizimi i llumrave - Zbulimi dhe numërimi i Escherichia coli në llumra, tokë, përmirësuesit e cilësisë së tokës, shtesat për rritje dhe mbetjet biologjike - Pjesa 3: Metoda makro e numrit të përafërt mikrobik (MPN) me inokulimin në terren të lenget

Characterization of sludges - Detection and enumeration of Escherichia coli in sludges, soils, soil improvers, growing media and biowastes - Part 3: Macromethod (Most Probable Number) in liquid medium
16 qer 2008

General information

60.60     16 qer 2008


DPS/KT 233

Technical Report





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This part of the CEN Technical Report specifies a most probable number (MPN) method for the quantitative detection of Escherichia coli in sludges, soils, soil improvers, growing media and biowastes. It allows further differentiation within the test than part 2 of this standard. It is suitable to evaluate the log reduction of E.coli through treatment as well as the quality of the end product.
The method is for material with dry residues of more than 10 %.
For materials with dry residues less than 10 %, the procedure given in CEN/TR 15214-1 should be used.

Life cycle


DS CEN/TR 15214-3:2006
60.60 Standard published
16 qer 2008

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Adopted from CEN/TR 15214-3:2006


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