This document specifies the requirements for the design and testing of spring loaded pressure relief valves and thermal expansion valves for use in:
- static LPG tanks,
NOTE The tanks can be situated above ground, underground or mounded.
- LPG tanks on road tankers, rail tankers, tank-containers or demountable tanks.
This document does not address production testing.
Normative annex B prescribes testing with conditioning at - 40 °C for valves for use under extreme low temperature conditions.
The requirements for pressure relief valve accessories such as isolating devices, manifolds and vent pipes are specified in prEN 14071.
prEN 14570 identifies the requirements for the pressure relief valve capacities for static tanks. See EN 12252 for road tankers.
Directives related to this standards.
Transporti rrugor i të mirave materiale (Amendimi i Direktivës 94/55/EC )
Transporti hekurudhor i të mirave materiale (Amendimi i Direktivës 96/49/EC)
SSH EN 14129:2007
Withdrawal of Standard
27 nën 2014
SSH EN 14129:2014