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Determination of long-term radiation ageing in polymers - Part 4: Effects of different temperatures and dose rates under radiation conditions
60.60 Standard published
Nuclear instrumentation - Digital bus for NIM instruments
60.60 Standard published
Nuclear instrumentation - Liquid-scintillation counting systems - Performance verification
60.60 Standard published
Radiation protection instrumentation - Installed ambient dose equivalent rate meters, warning and monitoring assemblies for neutrons with energies from thermal to 20 MeV
60.60 Standard published
Nuclear instrumentation - Thickness measurement systems utilizingionizing radiation - Definitions and test methods
60.60 Standard published
Nuclear instrumentation - Measurement of activity or emission rate of gamma-ray emitting radionuclides - Calibration and use of germanium-based spectrometers
60.60 Standard published
Radiation protection instrumentation - Apparatus for non-destructive radiation tests of fur and other cloth samples
60.60 Standard published
Radiation protection instrumentation - Installed, portable or transportable assemblies - Measurement of air kerma direction and air kerma rate
60.60 Standard published
Nuclear instrumentation - Geophysical borehole instrumentation to determine rock density ('density logging')
60.60 Standard published
Determination of RF field strength, power density and SAR in the vicinity of base stations for the purpose of evaluating human exposure
60.60 Standard published
Evaluation of human exposure to electromagnetic fields from a stand-alone broadcast transmitter (30 MHz - 40 GHz)
60.60 Standard published
Case studies supporting IEC 62232 - Determination of RF field strength, power density and SAR in the vicinity of radiocommunication base stations for the purpose of evaluating human exposure
60.60 Standard published
Active millimetre-wave systems for security screening of humans - General requirements
60.60 Standard published
Validation of dynamic power control and exposure time-averaging algorithms - Part 1: Cellular network implementations for SAR at frequencies up to 6 GHz
60.60 Standard published
International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) - Part 395: Nuclear instrumentation - Physical phenomena, basic concepts, instruments, systems, equipment and detectors
30.99 CD approved for registration as DIS
Electrical insulating materials - Determination of the effects of ionizing radiation on insulating materials - Part 2: Procedures for irradiation and test
20.99 WD approved for registration as CD
Electrical insulating materials - Determination of the effects of ionizing radiation - Part 4: Classification system for service in radiation environments
20.99 WD approved for registration as CD
Determination of long-term radiation ageing in polymers - Part 1: Techniques for monitoring diffusion-limited oxidation
20.99 WD approved for registration as CD