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Vegla portative me motor elektrik - Siguria - Pjesa 2-4: Kërkesa të veçanta për makinat rektifikuese dhe poliruesve përveç atyre tip disku
60.60 Standard published
Makina e impiante për miniera dhe përpunim mekanik të gurit natyror - Siguria - Kërkesat për makinat që kryejnë finicionin e sipërfaqes
60.60 Standard published
Makina dhe impiante për miniera dhe përpunim mekanik të gurit natyror - Siguria - Kërkesat për makinat për përfunduar buzëve
60.60 Standard published
Machine tools — Test conditions for surface grinding machines with vertical grinding wheel spindle and reciprocating table — Testing of the accuracy
90.93 Standard confirmed
Test conditions for surface grinding machines with horizontal grinding wheel spindle and reciprocating table — Testing of the accuracy — Part 1: Machines with table length of up to 1 600 mm
90.93 Standard confirmed
Test conditions for internal cylindrical grinding machines with horizontal spindle — Testing of accuracy
60.60 Standard published
Machine tools — Test conditions for external cylindrical and universal grinding machines with a movable table — Testing of accuracy
90.93 Standard confirmed
Machine tools — Test conditions for external cylindrical centreless grinding machines — Testing of the accuracy
90.20 Standard under periodical review
Test conditions for surface grinding machines with two columns — Machines for grinding slideways — Testing of the accuracy
90.92 Standard to be revised
Hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Safety - Part 2-4: Particular requirements for sanders and polishers other than disk type
60.60 Standard published
Hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Safety - Part 2-4: Particular requirements for sanders and polishers other than disk type
60.60 Standard published
Amendment 1 - Hand-held motor-operated electric tools - Safety - Part 2-4: Particular requirements for sanders and polishers other than disk type
60.60 Standard published
Safety of transportable motor-operated electric tools - Part 2: Particular requirements for bench grinders
60.60 Standard published
Amendment 1 - Safety of transportable motor-operated electric tools - Part 2-4: Particular requirements for bench grinders
60.60 Standard published