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prDS CWA 50272:2024

Methodology, procedures and equipment required for the laboratory testing of a modular and crosscutting Power Take-Off for wave energy converters

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10.00     Nov 6, 2024



CEN/CENELEC Workshop Agreement



This document establishes a methodology, procedures and the required equipment in order to test and validate in dry laboratories a modular and crosscutting linear PTO, used for wave energy converters (WEC). It considers common procedures for different types of PTO solutions, as well as operation ranges related to its final location.
Some examples of application of this methodology are presented in Annex A at the end of the document.
Initially, the concepts of modular and crosscutting power take-off or PTO, its components, and the actuator are defined. Additionally, a set of testing scenarios are defined, corresponding to operation at the location, as well as the control strategies to be followed by the PTO. Both subsystems will be operated together with the PTO and the actuator, governed by an upper level supervision system, operating in a hardware-in-the loop scheme. Finally, a whole set of required instrumentation is defined in order to measure the system variables, used subsequently to compile the PTO characterization report.
Regarding the types of WEC where this methodology could be applied, there is no restriction in the WEC topology. Any WEC where a linear PTO is suitable could be in the scope of this document

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prDS CWA 50272:2024
10.00 Proposal for new project registered
Nov 6, 2024

Related project

Adopted from CWA 50272:2021 IDENTICAL