Drejtoria e Përgjithshme e Standardizimit
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prSSH ISO 22264:2006

Telemark ski-boots for adults — Interface with Telemark ski-bindings — Requirements and test methods

General information



DPS/KT 136

International Standard



ISO 22264:2006 specifies the dimensions and characteristics of the interface, requirements, test methods and marking of Telemark ski-boots with flexible sole which are used with current systems of telemark ski-bindings with attachment at the boot toe and boot heel, the proper function of which depends on the dimensions and design of the interfaces.
For Telemark ski-binding systems that function irrespective of the sole shape or that have different requirements for the sole dimensions, it is not always necessary for the Telemark ski-boot soles to comply with this International Standard in order to achieve the desired degree of safety.
ISO 22264:2006 applies to Telemark ski-boots of sizes 15,0 and larger in the mondopoint system.

Life cycle


prSSH ISO 22264:2006
50.99 FDIS or proof approved for publication

Related project

Adopted from ISO 22264:2006