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SSH EN ISO 11532:2020

Aircraft ground equipment - Graphical symbols (ISO 11532:2018)

Dec 2, 2020

General information

60.60     Aug 19, 2020


DPS/KT 320

Pure national standard

49.100     01.080.20  




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ISO 11532:2018 establishes common graphical symbols for use on all types of aircraft ground support equipment.

They have been compiled for the benefit of those who deal with such equipment, such as airlines, airport handling agencies, airport authorities, manufacturers, etc., in order to facilitate fast and accurate identification of controls, indicators and decals of powered and unpowered equipment.

The presentation of this document is based on the recommendations of ISO/TC 145, Graphical symbols.

ISO 11532:2018 is also intended to promote standardization of terms for controls, indicators, etc. for aircraft ground support equipment and alleviate language problems.

These graphical symbols are intended to be placed on all new equipment and retrofitted on all existing equipment as far as possible.

NOTE: This document is intended to be read with the documents listed in the bibliography.

Life cycle


SSH EN ISO 11532:2020
60.60 Standard published
Aug 19, 2020