Arben Burda
Gentian Gjyrezi
New projects
Published standards
Tempore non accusantium architecto. Ab animi eligendi consectetur aut sed. Unde blanditiis quod ut voluptatem voluptatem velit sit. Debitis impedit et ut hic dolorem non. Et culpa officia magnam totam alias. Autem nihil totam similique laborum id. Iure aut eligendi sequi quia dolorem distinctio. Eos rerum qui libero voluptatem hic vel ut. Ea odio et impedit natus est.
Inland navigation vessels
Inland navigation vessels
O member
Aircraft ground support equipment
Aircraft ground support equipment
O member
Road vehicles
Road vehicles
O member
O member
Transport - Logistics and services
Transport - Logistics and services
O member
Shipbuilding and maritime structures
Shipbuilding and maritime structures
O member
O member
Road Vehicles
Road Vehicles
O member
Steel static storage systems
Steel static storage systems
O member
Non-type approved light motorized vehicles for the transportation of persons and goods and related facilities
Non-type approved light motorized vehicles for the transportation of persons and goods and related facilities
O member
Leisure accommodation vehicles
Leisure accommodation vehicles
Natural Gas Vehicles - Fuelling and Operation
Natural Gas Vehicles - Fuelling and Operation
Insulated means of transport for temperature sensitive goods with or without cooling and/or heating device
Insulated means of transport for temperature sensitive goods with or without cooling and/or heating device
Car-Adaptations for Drivers and Passengers of Motor Vehicles
Car-Adaptations for Drivers and Passengers of Motor Vehicles
Real drive test method for collecting emission
Real drive test method for collecting emission
Freight containers
Freight containers
Cross-border trade of second-hand goods
Cross-border trade of second-hand goods
Machine tools
Machine tools
Small craft
Small craft
Road vehicles
Road vehicles
Tyres, rims and valves
Tyres, rims and valves
Pallets for unit load method of materials handling
Pallets for unit load method of materials handling
Industrial trucks
Industrial trucks