Drejtoria e Përgjithshme e Standardizimit
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SSH EN 16990:2020

Light motorized vehicles for the transportation of persons and goods and related facilities and not subject to type-approval for on-road use - Side by Side Vehicles - Safety requirements and test methods

Dec 2, 2020

General information

60.60     Aug 19, 2020


DPS/KT 320

Pure national standard

43.140     43.080.99  




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This document applies to Side by Side vehicles propelled by internal combustion engines using liquid fuels (petrol, diesel, bio-fuels, lpg) and/or electric drive, intended to be used primarily on unpaved surfaces and not intended to be used on public roads 1).

This document defines safety requirements relating to the elements of design, operation, and maintenance of Side by Side vehicles and deals with all significant hazards, hazardous situations and events relevant to Side by Side vehicles, when they are used as intended and under conditions of misuse which are reasonably foreseeable by the manufacturer (see Annex M). It deals with the significant hazards during the whole lifecycle of the product as defined in 5.3 of EN ISO 12100:2010.

This document is not dealing with:

- Side by Side Vehicles exclusively intended for competition 2) ;
- Side by Side Vehicles fitted with side facing seats
- Side by Side Vehicles intended to be operated by persons under the age of 14 years;
- agricultural and forestry tractors coming under Regulation (EU)167/2013;
- 3 or 4 wheeled vehicles coming under Regulation (EU)168/2013;
- accessories for additional functions 3) ;
- the additional hazards due to the use of the Side by Side Vehicle on public roads;
- the additional hazards due to the use of remote control.

This document is not intended to cover all terrain vehicles (ATVs - Quads) as defined by EN 15997:2011.

This document is not applicable to Side by Side vehicles which are manufactured before the date of its publication as EN.

Life cycle


SSH EN 16990:2020
60.60 Standard published
Aug 19, 2020