<!-- NEW! -->IEC 60633:2019 is available as <a href="https://webstore.iec.ch/publication/65024">IEC 60633:2019 RLV</a> which contains the International Standard and its Redline version, showing all changes of the technical content compared to the previous edition.</br></br>IEC 6033:2019 defines terms for high-voltage direct current (HVDC) power transmission systems and for HVDC substations using electronic power converters for the conversion from AC to DC or vice versa. This document is applicable to HVDC substations with line commutated converters, most commonly based on three-phase bridge (double way) connections (see Figure 2) in which unidirectional electronic valves, for example semiconductor valves, are used. For the thyristor valves, only the most important definitions are included in this document. A more comprehensive list of HVDC valve terminology is given in IEC 60700-2. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
- 40 terms and definitions have been amended and 31 new terms and definitions have been added mainly on converter units and valves, converter operating conditions, HVDC systems and substations and HVDC substation equipment;
- a new Figure 13 on capacitor commutated converter configurations has been added.
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SSH EN IEC 60633:2019
Standard published
Feb 5, 2020
SSH EN IEC 60633:2019/AC:2020-04