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SSH EN ISO 18589-3:2017

Measurement of radioactivity in the environment - Soil - Part 3: Test method of gamma-emitting radionuclides using gamma-ray spectrometry (ISO 18589-3:2015, Corrected version 2015-12-01)

Oct 26, 2018

General information

60.60     Aug 9, 2018


DPS/KT 230

European Norm

13.080.01     17.240  




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ISO 18589-3:2015 specifies the identification and the measurement of the activity in soils of a large number of gamma-emitting radionuclides using gamma spectrometry. This non-destructive method, applicable to large-volume samples (up to about 3 000 cm3), covers the determination in a single measurement of all the γ-emitters present for which the photon energy is between 5 keV and 3 MeV.
ISO 18589-3:2015 can be applied by test laboratories performing routine radioactivity measurements as a majority of gamma-emitting radionuclides is characterized by gamma-ray emission between 40 keV and 2 MeV.
The method can be implemented using a germanium or other type of detector with a resolution better than 5 keV.
ISO 18589-3:2015 is addressed to people responsible for determining gamma-emitting radionuclides activity present in soils for the purpose of radiation protection.

Life cycle


SSH EN ISO 18589-3:2017
60.60 Standard published
Aug 9, 2018


prSSH EN ISO 18589-3:2024

Related project

Adopted from EN ISO 18589-3:2017

Adopted from ISO 18589-3:2015