The present document captures the findings of the study item, "Study on channel model for frequency spectrum above 6
GHz" [2] and from further findings of the study item, "Study on New Radio Access Technology [22]." The channel
models in the present document address the frequency range 0.5-100 GHz. The purpose of this TR is to help TSG RAN
WG1 to properly model and evaluate the performance of physical layer techniques using the appropriate channel
model(s). Therefore, the TR will be kept up-to-date via CRs in the future.
This document relates to the 3GPP evaluation methodology and covers the modelling of the physical layer of both
Mobile Equipment and Access Network of 3GPP systems.
This document is intended to capture the channel model(s) for frequencies from 0.5GHz up to 100GHz.
DS TR 138 901 V14.3.0:2018
Standard published
Aug 7, 2018