This European Standard specifies the plating of a Zinc-Nickel (12 % to 16 %) alloy on mechanical parts and fasteners in steels (Rm ≤ 1 450 MPa), stainless steels (Rm ≤ 1 450 MPa), copper alloys, nickel alloys and aluminium alloys (not applicable for electrical components), as well as the passivation and lubricant finishing that can be associated to them. The Zinc-Nickel process is an electrolytic plating process under controlled current allowing to deposit a Zinc-Nickel layer from, most often, an alkaline electrolyte. Alkaline Zinc-Nickel is only considered in this standard.
The purpose of this standard is to give technical and quality requirements of Zinc-Nickel plating. It doesn’t give complete in-house process instructions, these shall be given in the manufacturers detailed process instructions.
SSH EN 4826:2014
Standard published
Dec 10, 2015