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SSH EN 9137:2012

Quality management systems - Guidance for the Application of AQAP 2110 within an EN 9100 Quality Management System

Jun 17, 2015

General information

60.60     Jan 21, 2015


DPS/KT 320

European Norm

03.100.70     03.120.10     49.020  




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1.1 This document has been prepared and issued to provide information and guidance on the application of AQAP 2110 when the Supplier adheres to the provisions of EN 9100. This document is published as AQAP 2009 Annex F and EN 9137. It was jointly developed by NATO and industry representatives for use by NATO and industry to facilitate the use and understanding of the relationship between the AQAP 2110 and EN 9100.
1.2 It aims to contribute to commonality of interpretation of the AQAP 2110 requirements by the Acquirer and their EN 9100 Supplier.
1.3 Its content has no legal or contractual status nor does it supersede, add to, or cancel any of the AQAP 2110 or EN 9100 requirements.
1.4 Because of the multiplicity of conditions that can exist (dependent on such factors as the type of work or process, the devices used, and the skill of personnel involved), this guidance should not be considered as all encompassing nor should it be considered as imposing specific means or methods for meeting contract requirements. Stakeholders should be aware that other means or methods could be used to meet these requirements.
1.5 Users of this guidance should keep in mind that the requirements of AQAP 2110 are mandatory, as cited in the contract, on Suppliers and Sub-suppliers.

Life cycle


SSH EN 9137:2012
60.60 Standard published
Jan 21, 2015

Related project

Adopted from EN 9137:2012