The purpose of this European Standard is to establish uniform requirements for design and development of software architecture for modular avionics systems as defined per ASAAC.
1.1 Software Architecture Overview
The ASAAC Software Architecture is based on a three-layer stack as shown by a simplified Figure 2.
Each layer is described in terms of it dependency/independency on both the aircraft system and the underlying hardware.
1.2 Software Architectural Components
Figure 3 provides an overview of the software architectural components and software interfaces.
1.2.1 Functional Applications
The term "Functional Applications" relates to all functions that handle the processing of operational data, e.g.
- Radar Applications,
- Mission Management,
- Stores Management,
- Vehicle Management System,
- Communication, Navigation and Identification.
1.2.2 Application Management (AM)
AM is responsible for the non-standardised system management, i.e. the AM performs the non-generic system management. As an example, the AM may perform the mission/moding management. The interface between the AM and GSM is the System Management Logical Interface (SMLI) (see 4.1.2).
1.2.3 Operating System (OS)
A Real-Time OS provides the particular part of OSL functionality that controls the real-time behaviour of the Processing Element and its associated resources (see Clause 0).
1.2.4 Generic System Management (GSM)
The GSM is responsible for the management of the core processing (see 4.1.1 and 5.2.1). This functionality is divided into four areas:
- Health Monitoring,
- Fault Management,
- Configuration Management,
- Security Management.
1.2.5 Run-Time Blueprints (RTBP)
The RTBP contain the information (e.g. process description, routing information, fault management data) required to configure and manage the core processing on which it is hosted (see 5.3).
SSH EN 4660-005:2011
Standard published
Aug 12, 2014