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DS CEN/TR 15133:2005

Nomenclature - Collective terms and codes for groups of medical devices

Sep 23, 2014

General information

60.60     Jul 3, 2014



Technical Report

01.040.11     11.040.01  




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This Technical Report lists collective terms and codes for groups of medical devices having common features. The listing is structured so that the terms can be used for the purposes required in regulatory reporting and for communication relevant to the application of the medical device regulation.
For certain purposes in the application of the Medical Devices Directives, there is an urgent need for the development of a list of collective terms based on the identified principles to be used, for examples, as follows:
- to illustrate the scope of certificates issued by Notified Bodies when assessing which groups, families or types of medical devices are covered within a manufacturer's quality system,
- to be used to identify the range of skills and general technological abilities for which a Notified Body has been approved, and is so appointed by the relevant Competent Authority,
- for the exchanges of information between Competent Authorities when general information on individual manufacturers capabilities is notified for inclusion in the European Database for Medical Devices (EUDAMED).
For the purpose of developing sets of collective terms, Accessories to medical devices are integrated de facto in the corresponding medical device collective term.

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DS CEN/TR 15133:2005
60.60 Standard published
Jul 3, 2014

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Adopted from CEN/TR 15133:2005

Adopted from CEN/TR 15133:2005