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SSH EN ISO 16911-2:2013

Stationary source emissions - Manual and automatic determination of velocity and volume flow rate in ducts - Part 2: Automated measuring systems (ISO 16911-2:2013)

Apr 23, 2014

General information

60.60     Apr 23, 2014


DPS/KT 230

European Norm





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ISO 16911-2:2013 describes specific requirements for automated measuring system (AMS) flow monitoring. It is partly derived from EN 14181 which is the general document on the quality assurance of AMSs and is applicable in conjunction with that document.
ISO 16911-2:2013 specifies conditions and criteria for the choice, mounting, commissioning and calibration of AMSs used for determining the volume flow rate from a source in ducted gaseous streams. ISO 16911-2:2013 is applicable by correlation with the manual reference methods described in ISO 16911-1.
ISO 16911-2:2013 is primarily developed for monitoring emissions from waste incinerators and large combustion plants. From a technical point of view, it can be applied to other processes for which flow rate measurement is required with a defined and minimized uncertainty.

Related directives

Directives related to this standards.


Directive 2000/76/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 December 2000 on the incineration of waste


Directive 2001/80/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2001 on the limitation of emissions of certain pollutants into the air from large combustion plants

Life cycle


SSH EN ISO 16911-2:2013
60.60 Standard published
Apr 23, 2014

Related project

Adopted from EN ISO 16911-2:2013