Drejtoria e Përgjithshme e Standardizimit
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DS IEC/TS 60479-1:2005

Effects of current on human beings and livestock - Part 1: General aspects

Oct 28, 2010
95.99 Withdrawal of Standard   Mar 19, 2020

General information

95.99     Mar 19, 2020



Technical Specification

29.020     13.200  




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For a given current path through the human body, the danger to persons depends mainly on the magnitude and duration of the current flow. However, the time/current zones specified in this publication are, in many cases, not directly applicable in practice for designing measures of protection against electrical shock. The necessary criterion is the admissible limit of touch voltage (i.e. the product of the current through the body called touch current and the body impedance) as a function of time. The relationship between current and voltage is not linear because the impedance of the human body varies with the touch voltage, and data on this relationship is therefore required. The different parts of the humanbody (such as the skin, blood, muscles, other tissues and joints) present to the electric current a certain impedance composed of resistive and capacitive components. The values of body impedance depend on a number of factors and, in particular, on current path, on touch voltage, duration of current flow, frequency, degree of moisture of the skin, surface area of contact, pressure exerted and temperature. The impedance values indicated in this technical specification result from a close examination of the experimental results available from measurements carried out principally on corpses and on some living persons. This technical specification has the status of a basic safety publication in accordance with IEC Guide 104. The contents of the corrigenda of October 2006 and June 2013 have been included in this copy.

Life cycle


DS IEC/TS 60479-1:2005
95.99 Withdrawal of Standard
Mar 19, 2020


SSH IEC 60479-1:2018

Related project

Adopted from IEC/TS 60479-1 Ed. 4.0 b