Genci Sharko
Arjana Llangozi
The name of DPS / TC 8 is: Measuring equipment. Test and measurement techniques
DPS / TC 8 was established on 27.04.2009 in accordance with Law no. 9870, dated 02.04.2008 "On Standardization", with the internal regulation and following the strategy of CEN / CENELEC and ISO / IEC on the establishment and functioning of technical committees. The scope of this TC are electricity metering equipment used for electricity metering and control and used in power stations, transmission lines, electricity distribution and supply networks; as well as this KT deals with the adoption of European and international standards in the field of equipment and systems for measuring, testing, monitoring, generation and simple and complex analysis of electrical and electromagnetic quantities, as well as their calibrators.
To address the challenges posed by smart grid mandates the scope has been expanded in this regard to address problems related to energy consumption control, energy conservation and improving the quality of energy supply to consumers to avoid operation not good of grid-connected electrical appliances and equipment by maintaining a voltage value suitable for our distribution and transmission network conditions.
The scope of application of this TC is also the standards related to EMC whose purpose is to protect the radio spectrum through their emission requirements and with the aim of ensuring that the devices function wonderfully in their environment provided through immunity requirements, having a horizontal function in relation to safety. The scope of application of this EC extends to various aspects of exposure of people to electromagnetic fields from 0 Hz to 300 GHz, adopting standards that demonstrate compliance with European directives transposed at the national level, adopting all types of European standards such as: product standards, most of which are harmonized standards under the relevant directives, basic standards related to the determination of measurement methods and calculations of the level of emission of electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields generated by equipment and systems, general standards that can be applied to a range of different products such as low power products or products that cannot be covered by other product standards, specific product standards that are specific to certain specific products.
Also in the scope of application of this CT are ultrasound, hearing aids, standardization of instruments and measurement methods in the field of electroacoustics, including performance requirements of electrostatic converting equipment, sound measuring instruments, audiometric equipment, etc.
Standardization of specific and general requirements for the construction, safety, performance and testing of electrical appliances for sensitivity to the presence of gases or vapors and to provide an indication, alarm and / or other function, the purpose of which is to warn of danger of explosion, fire hazard or health hazard. This TC adopts these standards to provide information and guidance regarding the selection, installation and operation of such equipment.
In terms of fire risk testing this KT adopts international standards, technical specifications and technical reports related to fire risk assessment, fire risk engineering, fire risk terminology related to electrotechnical products, flame tongue measurement and review of fire test methods for electrotechnical products, test methods that are widely used in product standards as well as by manufacturers and lawmakers
Also another task of this TC is the adoption of safety standards for measuring and testing equipment, industrial process control equipment, and laboratory equipment wherever they are used such as equipment and systems for measurement, testing, generation and analysis of simple and complex electromagnetic quantities, equipment for measurement and control of industrial process, laboratory equipment for analysis, use and preparation of materials
Standardizimi i klasave sipas kushteve mjedisore bëhet duke përdorur parametrat e vlefshëm mjedisor, dhe jep udhëzime për përzgjedhjen dhe përdorimin e këtyre klasave të parashikuara për përgatitjen e specifikimeve përkatëse, standardizimi i metodave të provave mjedisore, lidhja dhe transformimi i klasave mjedisore me metodat mjedisore
Pajisjet që mbulon ky KT në mbështetje të Direktivave të EU such as MID; EMC, LVD etj janë matësit e energjisë elektrike dhe instrumentet që lllogarisin cilësite e rrymës elektrike, pajisjet e kalibruara të matjes, gjeneratorët e sinjalit, instrumentet matëse, sistemet dhe aksesorët e tyre, për përgatitjen dhe analizimin e materialeve në fushën e kërkimit, mjekësore, industry dhe arsim si edhe për monitorimin e mjedisit, etj
New projects
Published standards
Tempore non accusantium architecto. Ab animi eligendi consectetur aut sed. Unde blanditiis quod ut voluptatem voluptatem velit sit. Debitis impedit et ut hic dolorem non. Et culpa officia magnam totam alias. Autem nihil totam similique laborum id. Iure aut eligendi sequi quia dolorem distinctio. Eos rerum qui libero voluptatem hic vel ut. Ea odio et impedit natus est.
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Gas detectors
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Fire hazard testing
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High-voltage and high-current test techniques
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Electrical energy measurement and control
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Erection and operation of electrical test equipment
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Measuring equipment for electrical and electromagnetic quantities
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Safety of measuring, control, and laboratory equipment
Safety of measuring, control, and laboratory equipment
O member
O member from May 31, 2021
Recurrent Test of Electrical Equipment
Recurrent Test of Electrical Equipment
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O member from Jun 21, 2021
O member from Jun 21, 2021
O member from Jun 21, 2021
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from Jun 24, 2021
from Jan 3, 2020
Quantities and units
Quantities and units
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