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Application of measurement uncertainty to conformity assessment activities in the electrotechnical sector
10.00 Proposal for new project registered
Electrical apparatus for the detection of flammable gases in household premises - Part 1: Test methods and performance requirements
10.00 Proposal for new project registered
Recommendations for a modular and cross-cutting Power Take-Off for wave energy direct drive linear solutions
10.00 Proposal for new project registered
Product standard to demonstrate the compliance of wireless communication devices, with the basic restrictions and exposure limit values related to human exposure to electromagnetic fields in the frequency range from 300 MHz to 6 GHz: devices used next to the ear
10.00 Proposal for new project registered
Electricity metering equipment - Part 4: Particular requirements - Static meters for DC active energy (class indexes A, B and C)
10.00 Proposal for new project registered
Product standard to demonstrate the compliance of wireless communication devices with the basic restrictions and exposure limit values related to human exposure to electromagnetic fields in the frequency range from 30 MHz to 6 GHz: hand-held and body mounted devices in close proximity to the human body
10.00 Proposal for new project registered
Environmental testing - Part 2-14: Tests - Test N: Change of temperature
10.00 Proposal for new project registered
Environmental testing - Part 2-17: Tests - Test Q: Sealing
10.00 Proposal for new project registered
Environmental testing - Part 2-86: Tests - Test Fx: Vibration - Multi-exciter and multi-axis method
10.00 Proposal for new project registered
Environmental testing - Part 2-87: Tests - UV-C exposure of materials and components to simulate ultraviolet germicidal Irradiation or other applications
10.00 Proposal for new project registered
Environmental testing - Part 3-12: Supporting documentation and guidance - Method to evaluate a possible lead-free solder reflow temperature profile
10.00 Proposal for new project registered
Environmental testing - Part 3-15: Supporting documentation and guidance - Vacuum-assisted reflow soldering
10.00 Proposal for new project registered
Environmental testing - Part 3-82: Supporting documentation and guidance - Confirmation of the performance of whisker test method
10.00 Proposal for new project registered
Environmental testing - Part 3-4: Supporting documentation and guidance - Damp heat tests
10.00 Proposal for new project registered
Environmental testing - Part 3-3: Supporting documentation and guidance - Seismic test methods for equipment
10.00 Proposal for new project registered
Electroacoustics - Hearing aids - Part 0: Measurement of the performance characteristics of hearing aids
10.00 Proposal for new project registered
Solderless connections - Part 2: Crimped connections - General requirements, test methods and practical guidance
10.00 Proposal for new project registered
Solderless connections - Part 9: Ultrasonically welded connections - General requirements, test methods and practical guidance
10.00 Proposal for new project registered