Drejtoria e Përgjithshme e Standardizimit
Phone: +355 4 222 62 55
E-mail: info@dps.gov.al
Address: Address: "Reshit Collaku" Str., (nearby ILDKPKI, VI floor), Po.Box 98, Tiranë - Albania


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Definition and classification of pig-irons

60.60 Standard published

DPS/KT 2 more

Plain bearings — Testing of bearing metals — Resistance to corrosion by lubricants under static conditions

60.60 Standard published

DPS/KT 2 more

Terminological entries in standards — Part 1: General requirements and examples of presentation

60.60 Standard published

DPS/KT 2 more

Terminological entries in standards — Part 2: Adoption of standardized terminological entries

60.60 Standard published

DPS/KT 2 more

Terminology work and terminology science — Vocabulary

60.60 Standard published

DPS/KT 2 more

Plain bearings — Quality assurance of thin-walled half bearings — Design FMEA

60.60 Standard published

DPS/KT 2 more

Alphabetical ordering of multilingual terminological and lexicographical data represented in the Latin alphabet

60.60 Standard published

DPS/KT 2 more

Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Terms and definitions - Part 3: Scrap

60.60 Standard published

DPS/KT 2 more

Plain bearings — Quality characteristics — Statistical process control (SPC)

60.60 Standard published

DPS/KT 2 more

Plain bearings — Quality assurance of sample types — Definitions, applications and testing

60.60 Standard published

DPS/KT 2 more

Irrigation techniques - Centre pivot and moving lateral systems - Part 3: Terminology and classification

60.60 Standard published

DPS/KT 2 more

Industrial, commercial and garage doors and gates - Terminology - Part 1: Types of doors

60.60 Standard published

DPS/KT 2 more

Industrial, commercial and garage doors and gates - Terminology - Part 2: Parts of doors

60.60 Standard published

DPS/KT 2 more

Imperfections in oxyfuel flame cuts, laser beams cuts and plasma cuts - Terminology

60.60 Standard published

DPS/KT 2 more

Terminology work in support of multilingual communication — Part 1: Fundamentals of translation-oriented terminography

60.60 Standard published

DPS/KT 2 more

Management of terminology resources - Data categories - Part 1: Specifications

60.60 Standard published

DPS/KT 2 more

Management of terminology resources - Data categories - Part 2: Repositories

60.60 Standard published

DPS/KT 2 more

Natural stone - Terminology

60.60 Standard published

DPS/KT 2 more