Drejtoria e Përgjithshme e Standardizimit
Phone: +355 4 222 62 55
E-mail: info@dps.gov.al
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Conformity assessment - General requirements for the competence of proficiency testing providers

40.20 DIS ballot initiated: 12 weeks

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Value Management - Function Analysis: Basic characteristics, requirements and guidance for implementation

40.20 DIS ballot initiated: 12 weeks

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Assistance dogs - Part 1: Vocabulary

40.20 DIS ballot initiated: 12 weeks

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Assistance dogs - Part 6: Accessibility and universal access

40.20 DIS ballot initiated: 12 weeks

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Three-level approach for a set of cybersecurity requirements for cloud services

40.20 DIS ballot initiated: 12 weeks

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Common security requirements for radio equipment - Part 1: Internet connected radio equipment

40.20 DIS ballot initiated: 12 weeks

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Common security requirements for radio equipment - Part 2: radio equipment processing data, namely Internet connected radio equipment, childcare radio equipment, toys radio equipment and wearable radio equipment

40.20 DIS ballot initiated: 12 weeks

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Common security requirements for radio equipment - Part 3: Internet connected radio equipment processing virtual money or monetary value

40.20 DIS ballot initiated: 12 weeks

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Requirements for Conformity Assessment Bodies certifying Cloud Services

40.20 DIS ballot initiated: 12 weeks

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Biotechnology - Biobanking - General requirements for biobanking

40.20 DIS ballot initiated: 12 weeks

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Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection - Requirements for the competence of IT security testing and evaluation laboratories - Part 1: Evaluation for ISO/IEC 15408 (ISO/IEC/TS 23532-1:2021)

40.20 DIS ballot initiated: 12 weeks

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Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection - Requirements for the competence of IT security testing and evaluation laboratories - Part 2: Testing for ISO/IEC 19790 (ISO/IEC/TS 23532-2:2021)

40.20 DIS ballot initiated: 12 weeks

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Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection - Information security management systems - Requirements - Amendment 1: Climate action changes (ISO/IEC 27001:2022/Amd 1:2024)

40.20 DIS ballot initiated: 12 weeks

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Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection - Guidance on managing information security risks (ISO/IEC 27005:2022)

40.20 DIS ballot initiated: 12 weeks

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Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection - Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of information security management systems - Part 1: General (ISO/IEC 27006-1:2024)

40.20 DIS ballot initiated: 12 weeks

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Facility management - Management systems - Requirements with guidance for use - Amendment 1: Climate action changes (ISO 41001:2018/Amd 1:2024)

40.20 DIS ballot initiated: 12 weeks

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Facility management - Vocabulary (ISO 41011:2024)

40.20 DIS ballot initiated: 12 weeks

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Facility management - Overview of available technologies (ISO/TR 41016:2024)

40.20 DIS ballot initiated: 12 weeks

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