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Home laundry appliances - Uncertainty reporting of measurements
60.60 Standard published
Specifications for industrial laundry machines - Definitions and testing of capacity and consumption characteristics - Part 2: Batch drying tumblers
60.60 Standard published
Specifications for industrial laundry machines - Definitions and testing of capacity and consumption characteristics - Part 3: Continuous tunnel washer
60.60 Standard published
Specifications for industrial laundry machines - Definitions and testing of capacity and consumption characteristics - Part 4: Washer-extractors
60.60 Standard published
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-11: Particular requirements for tumble dryers
60.60 Standard published
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-43: Particular requirements for clothes dryers and towel rails
60.60 Standard published
Amendment 2 - Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-44: Particular requirements for ironers
60.60 Standard published
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-44: Particular requirements for ironers
60.60 Standard published
Safety requirements for industrial laundry machinery - Part 1: Common requirements (ISO 10472-1:1997)
60.60 Standard published
Safety requirements for industrial laundry machinery - Part 2: Washing machines and washer-extractors (ISO 10472-2:1997)
60.60 Standard published
Safety requirements for industrial laundry machinery - Part 3: Washing tunnel lines including component machines (ISO 10472-3:1997)
60.60 Standard published
Safety requirements for industrial laundry machinery - Part 4: Air dryers (ISO 10472-4:1997)
60.60 Standard published
Safety requirements for industrial laundry machinery - Part 5: Flatwork ironers, feeders and folders (ISO 10472-5:1997)
60.60 Standard published
Safety requirements for industrial laundry machinery - Part 6: Ironing and fusing presses (ISO 10472-6:1997)
60.60 Standard published
Textiles - Tests for colour fastness - Part C12: Colour fastness to industrial laundering (ISO 105-C12:2004)
60.60 Standard published
Cookware - Domestic cookware for use on top of a stove, cooker or hob - Part 3: Cookware for use on induction heating sources
60.60 Standard published
Domestic direct gas-fired tumble dryers of types B22D and B23D, of nominal heat input not exceeding 6 kW - Part 1: Safety
60.60 Standard published
Domestic direct gas-fired tumble dryers of types B22D and B23D, of nominal heat input not exceeding 6 kW - Part 2: Rational use of energy
60.60 Standard published