Drejtoria e Përgjithshme e Standardizimit
Phone: +355 4 222 62 55
E-mail: info@dps.gov.al
Address: Address: "Reshit Collaku" Str., (nearby ILDKPKI, VI floor), Po.Box 98, Tiranë - Albania


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Material declaration for products of and for the electrotechnical industry

60.60 Standard published

TC 111 more

Amendment 1 - Material declaration for products of and for the electrotechnical industry

60.60 Standard published

TC 111 more

Material declaration for products of and for the electrotechnical industry - Part 1: Guidance on the implementation of IEC 62474

60.60 Standard published

TC 111 more

Industrial systems, installations and equipment and industrial products - Labelling of cables and cores

60.60 Standard published

TC 3 more

Generic specification of information on products by properties - Part 1: Principles and methods

60.60 Standard published

TC 3 more

Standardized product ontology register and transfer by spreadsheets - Part 1: Logical structure for data parcels

60.60 Standard published

TC 3/SC 3D more

Standardized product ontology register and transfer by spreadsheets - Part 2: Application guide for use with the IEC common data dictionary (CDD)

60.60 Standard published

TC 3/SC 3D more

Standardized product ontology register and transfer by spreadsheets - Part 3: Interface for Common information Model

60.60 Standard published

TC 3/SC 3D more

Standardized product ontology register and transfer by spreadsheets - Part 5: Interface for activity description

60.60 Standard published

TC 3/SC 3D more

Standardized product ontology register and transfer by data parcels - Part 8: Web service interface for data parcels

60.60 Standard published

TC 3/SC 3D more

Guidelines for the inclusion of documentation aspects in product standards

60.60 Standard published

TC 3 more

Documents kinds for electrical and instrumentation projects in the process industry

60.60 Standard published

TC 65 more

Preparation and processing of source definitions for data element types - Guidelines for product committees

60.60 Standard published

TC 3 more

Intelligent Information Request and Delivery - A process model for the exchange of information for use

60.60 Standard published

TC 3 more

Industrial systems, installations and equipment and industrial products — Structuring principles and reference designations — Part 1: Basic rules

60.60 Standard published

ISO/TC 10 more

Industrial systems, installations and equipment and industrial products - Structuring principles and reference designations - Part 1: Basic rules

60.60 Standard published

TC 3 more

Industrial systems, installations and equipment and industrial products - Structuring principles and reference designation - Part 10: Power supply plants

60.60 Standard published

TC 3 more

Industrial systems, installations and equipment and industrial products - Structuring principles and reference designations - Part 12: Construction works and building services

60.60 Standard published

TC 3 more