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Building hardware - Locks and latches - Electromechanically operated locks and striking plates - Requirements and test methods
60.60 Standard published
Building hardware - Hardware for sliding doors and folding doors - Requirements and test methods
60.60 Standard published
Aksesorë (brava, shula, reze, etj.) për dyer rrëshqitëse dhe për dyer të palosshme - Kërkesat dhe metodat e provës
60.60 Standard published
Hardware for furniture - Strength and durability of hinges and their components - Hinges pivoting on a vertical axis
60.60 Standard published
Building hardware - Mechatronic cylinders - Requirements and test methods
60.60 Standard published
Building hardware - Door fittings for use by children, elderly and disabled people in domestic and public buildings - A guide for specifiers
60.60 Standard published
Hardware performance sheet (HPS) - Identification and summary of test evidence to facilitate the inter-changeability of building hardware for application to fire resisting and/or smoke control doorsets and/or openable windows
60.60 Standard published
Building hardware - Corrosion resistance - Requirements and test methods
60.60 Standard published
Building hardware - Corrosion resistance - Requirements and test methods
60.60 Standard published
Building hardware - Mechatronic padlocks - Requirements and test methods
60.60 Standard published
Building hardware - Mechatronic door furniture - Requirements and test methods
60.60 Standard published
Building hardware - Environmental product declarations - Product category rules complementary to EN 15804 for building hardware
60.60 Standard published
Building hardware - Master Key System data protection - Guidance
60.60 Standard published
Building hardware - Emergency exit devices operated by a lever handle or push pad, for use on escape routes - Requirements and test methods
60.60 Standard published
Building hardware - Lever handles and knob furniture - Requirements and test methods
60.60 Standard published
Building hardware - Single-axis hinges - Requirements and test methods
60.60 Standard published
Building hardware - Single-axis hinges - Requirements and test methods
60.60 Standard published
Building hardware - Requirements and test methods - Multipoint locks, latches and locking plates - Characteristics and test methods
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