Drejtoria e Përgjithshme e Standardizimit
Tel/Cel: +355 4 222 62 55
E-mail: info@dps.gov.al
Adresa: Rr.: "Reshit Collaku", (pranë ILDKPKI, kati VI), Kutia Postare 98, Tiranë - Shqipëri
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International Classification of Standards (ICS)

International Certification Services (ICS) is an independent certification body offers various management system certification services Worldwide.Management Systems Certification is critical to the success of a business, with highly integrity and professional personnel we provide the best management systems certification services for your business.

Browse by ICS : 77. METALURGJI

Prodhim i metaleve

Prova të metaleve

Korrozion i metaleve

Metale ferroze


Metale jo ferroze

Produkte prej gize dhe çeliku

Produkte të metaleve jo ferroze

Metalurgji e pluhurave

Pajisje për industrinë metalurgjike