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ISO/AWI TS 15926-4

Industrial automation systems and integration — Integration of life-cycle data for process plants including oil and gas production facilities — Part 4: Core reference data

General information

20.00     Nov 19, 2024


ISO/TC 184/SC 4

Technical Specification


This document specifies the set of core reference data items which can be used to record information about process plants, including oil and gas production facilities.
The following are within the scope of this document:
—     core classes for process plants, including oil and gas production facilities;
—     information about a reference data item.
NOTE            The total set of information about a reference data item can be found in Table B.1.
The following are outside the scope of this document:
—     data requirements for additional reference data items;
—     the procedures to be followed for registration and maintenance of additional reference data items.

Life cycle


ISO/TS 15926-4:2024


ISO/AWI TS 15926-4
20.00 New project registered in TC/SC work programme
Nov 19, 2024