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ISO 7211-2:2024

Textiles — Methods for analysis of woven fabrics construction — Part 2: Determination of number of threads per unit length

Aug 22, 2024

General information

60.60     Aug 22, 2024


ISO/TC 38/SC 24

International Standard


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This document specifies three methods for the determination of the number of threads per centimetre in woven fabrics. Any of the three methods can be used, the choice depending on the character of the fabric. However, in case of dispute, method A takes precedence.
—     Method A: Dissection of fabric, suitable for all fabrics. This is the most laborious method but has fewer limitations than the others; in particular, it is the only one that is really suitable for the examination of certain folded structures and other complicated weaves.
—     Method B: Counting glass, suitable for fabrics with more than 50 threads per centimetre.
—     Method C: Traversing thread counter, suitable for all fabrics.
Where the number of threads per centimetre is low, it can be convenient to express the results as the number of threads per decimetre.

Life cycle


ISO 7211-2:1984


ISO 7211-2:2024
60.60 Standard published
Aug 22, 2024

National adoptions

Textiles - Methods for analysis of woven fabrics construction - Part 2: Determination of number of threads per unit length (ISO 7211-2:2024)

40.20 DIS ballot initiated: 12 weeks

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