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ISO/TR 21808:2024

Best practices on the selection and use of personal protective equipment (PPE) designed to provide protection for firefighters

Jan 9, 2024

General information

60.60     Jan 9, 2024


ISO/TC 94/SC 14

Technical Report





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This document sets out the best practices for the selection and use of PPE designed to provide protection for firefighters while carrying out their duties.
The PPE covered in this document is intended for firefighting personnel exposed to risks associated with but not necessarily limited to the following activities:
—     structural firefighting;
—     wildland firefighting;
—     incidents involving hazardous materials;
—     incidents involving motor vehicle;
—     urban search and rescue.
The purpose of this document is to highlight the main areas that a fire service needs to consider when providing PPE to its members. This document is a supplement to the information provided in the PPE standards or used in conjunction with them. Most paragraphs of the document contain bullet lists, these lists are provided for guidance only and they are not exhaustive.
Cleaning, inspection and repair of firefighters' personal protective equipment (including care and maintenance) are covered by ISO 23616.

Life cycle


ISO/TR 21808:2021


ISO/TR 21808:2024
60.60 Standard published
Jan 9, 2024