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ISO/WD 16887

Microbeam analysis — Analytical electron microscopy — Guidelines of specimen preparation for transmission electron microscope using focused ion beam processing

General information

20.20     May 24, 2024


ISO/TC 202/SC 3

International Standard


This document provides guidelines on how to prepare reproducible and reliable lamellar specimens using the FIB lift out techniques to observe a micro area of interest in materials using TEM. The main materials recommended for TEM specimens prepared by FIB processing are semiconductor materials such as Si, metals, alloys, and inorganic materials such as ceramics.
It is applicable to make TEM specimen of a site specific lamellar by the FIB equipment using Ga-LMIS source, with a stand-alone FIB and a FIB-SEM systems. Since the basic guidelines in the ex situ lift out method are the same as those in the in situ lift out one, this document mainly describe that of the in situ lift out method.
The basic concept of the present guidelines is applicable to the guidelines for the automated TEM specimen preparation using FIB fabrication process.

Life cycle


ISO/WD 16887
20.20 Working draft (WD) study initiated
May 24, 2024


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