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ISO 15706-1:2023

Information and documentation — International Standard Audiovisual Number (ISAN) — Part 1: Audiovisual work identifier

Jan 25, 2023

General information

60.60     Jan 25, 2023


ISO/TC 46/SC 9

International Standard


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This document establishes and defines a voluntary standard numbering system for the unique and international identification of audiovisual works (as defined in 3.1).
An International Standard Audiovisual Number (ISAN) identifies an audiovisual work throughout its life and is intended for use wherever precise and unique identification of an audiovisual work would be desirable. As an identifier, it can be used for various purposes, such as to assist allocation of royalties among right holders, to track the use of audiovisual works, for information retrieval and for anti-piracy purposes, such as verifying title registrations. The ISAN can also provide a basis for supplementary identification systems when version or product information is required (e.g. for applications such as broadcast automation and automated storage and retrieval systems).
An ISAN is applied to the audiovisual work itself. It is not related to the physical medium of such an audiovisual work, or the identification of that medium. Annex A specifies examples of audiovisual works for which an ISAN can be issued and examples of works for which ISAN are not issued.
The issuance of an ISAN is in no way related to any process of copyright registration, nor does the issuance of an ISAN provide evidence of the ownership of rights in an audiovisual work.

Life cycle


ISO 15706-1:2002

ISO 15706-1:2002/Amd 1:2008


ISO 15706-1:2023
60.60 Standard published
Jan 25, 2023