Drejtoria e Përgjithshme e Standardizimit
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ISO 17593:2022

Clinical laboratory testing and in vitro medical devices — Requirements for in vitro monitoring systems for self-testing of oral anticoagulant therapy

Mar 11, 2022

General information

60.60     Mar 11, 2022


ISO/TC 212

International Standard





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This document specifies requirements for in vitro measuring systems for self-monitoring of vitamin-K antagonist oral anticoagulation therapy, including performance, quality assurance and user training and procedures for the validation of performance by the intended users under actual and simulated conditions of use.
This document applies solely to prothrombin time measuring systems used by lay persons for monitoring their own vitamin-K antagonist oral anticoagulation therapy, and which report results as international normalized ratios (INR).
This document is applicable to manufacturers of such systems and those other organizations (e.g. regulatory authorities and conformity assessment bodies) having the responsibility for assessing the performance of these systems.
This document is not applicable to:
—    in vitro measuring systems for coagulation quantities assessing vitamin-K antagonist oral anticoagulation therapy used by physicians or healthcare providers;
—    non-vitamin-K antagonist oral anticoagulation therapy (e.g. dabigatran);
—    a comprehensive evaluation of all possible factors that can affect the performance of these systems;
—    the medical aspects of oral-anticoagulation therapy.

Life cycle


ISO 17593:2007


ISO 17593:2022
60.60 Standard published
Mar 11, 2022

National adoptions

Clinical laboratory testing and in vitro medical devices - Requirements for in vitro monitoring systems for self-testing of oral anticoagulant therapy

60.60 Standard published

DPS/KT 140 more