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ISO 24617-11:2021

Language resource management — Semantic annotation framework (SemAF) — Part 11: Measurable quantitative information (MQI)

Aug 17, 2021

General information

60.60     Aug 17, 2021


ISO/TC 37/SC 4

International Standard


English   French  



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This document covers the measurable or magnitudinal aspect of quantity so that it can focus on the technical or practical use of measurements in IR (information retrieval), QA (question answering), TS (text summarization), and other NLP (natural language processing) applications. It is applicable to the domains of technology that carry more applicational relevance than some theoretical issues found in the ordinary use of language.
NOTE       ISO 24617-12 deals with more general and theoretical issues of quantification and quantitative information.
This document also treats temporal durations that are discussed in ISO 24617-1, and spatial measures such as distances that are treated ISO 24617-7, while making them interoperable with other measure types. It also accommodates the treatment of measures or amounts that are introduced in ISO 24617‑6:2016, 8.3.

Life cycle


ISO 24617-11:2021
60.60 Standard published
Aug 17, 2021