Drejtoria e Përgjithshme e Standardizimit
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ISO 20045:2023

Measurement of the radioactivity in the environment — Air: tritium — Test method using bubbler sampling

May 31, 2023

General information

60.60     May 31, 2023


ISO/TC 85/SC 2

International Standard

13.040.01     17.240  

English   French  



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This document describes a test method to determine the activity concentration of atmospheric tritium by trapping tritium in air by bubbling through a water solution. Atmospheric tritium activity concentration levels are expressed in becquerel per cubic metre (Bq∙m-3).
The formulae are given for a sampling system with four bubblers. They can also be applied to trapping systems with only one trapping module consisting of two bubblers if only tritiated water vapour (HTO) is in the atmosphere to be sampled.
This document does not cover laboratory test sample results, in becquerel per litre of trapping solution, according to ISO 9698 or ISO 13168.
The test method detection limit result is between 0,2 Bq∙m-3 and 0,5 Bq∙m-3 when the sampling duration is about one week.

Life cycle


ISO 20045:2023
60.60 Standard published
May 31, 2023

National adoptions

Measurement of the radioactivity in the environment - Air: tritium - Test method using bubbler sampling (ISO 20045:2023, including corrected version 2023-09)

40.20 DIS ballot initiated: 12 weeks

DPS/KT 138 more