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ISO 1825:2017

Rubber hoses and hose assemblies for aircraft ground fuelling and defuelling — Specification

Nov 28, 2017

General information

90.92     Jan 17, 2023


ISO/TC 45/SC 1

International Standard

83.140.40     49.100  

English   French  



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ISO 1825:2017 specifies the dimensions and construction of, and requirements for, four types of hose and hose assembly for use in all operations associated with the ground fuelling and defuelling of aircraft.
All four types are designed for:
a) use with petroleum fuels having an aromatic-hydrocarbon content not exceeding 30 % by volume;
b) operation within the temperature range of −30 °C to +65 °C and such that they will be undamaged by climatic conditions of −40 °C to +70 °C when stored in static conditions;
c) operation at up to 2,0 MPa (20 bar) maximum working pressure, including surges of pressure which the hose can be subjected to in service.
NOTE 1 Type C hoses are intended for general pressure applications on all vehicles used for plane fuelling. They can also be used for vehicle/rail car loading and discharge where excessive vacuum does not occur.
NOTE 2 Type F hoses can be used for plane delivery applications on vehicles that are also used for defuelling at high flow rates where type C hoses are not suitable.
NOTE 3 Type E and F hoses can also be used for vehicle/rail car loading and discharge, for trailer to fueller transfer and for elevation platform supply (riser) to provide greater kink resistance.

Life cycle


ISO 1825:2010


ISO 1825:2017
90.92 Standard to be revised
Jan 17, 2023


ISO/DIS 1825