Drejtoria e Përgjithshme e Standardizimit
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ISO 13579-11:2017

Industrial furnaces and associated processing equipment — Method of measuring energy balance and calculating energy efficiency — Part 11: Evaluation of various kinds of efficiency

Aug 10, 2017

General information

90.93     Dec 14, 2022


ISO/TC 244

International Standard





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ISO 13579-11:2017 specifies classifications and designations in the methodology of energy efficiency evaluation of industrial furnaces and associated processing equipment (TPE), including energy efficiency in terms of exergy as well as enthalpy.
ISO 13579-11:2017does not apply to the following types of TPE:
- blast furnaces, basic oxygen furnaces, coke ovens;
- furnaces that generate gases to be used as fuel (including by-product gases);
- special atmosphere gas generators;
- industrial furnaces that are designed for chemical plants or petroleum plants;
- installations where heating or combustion is performed in an open space;
- installations that combust solid fuel;
- waste incinerators.

Life cycle


ISO 13579-11:2017
90.93 Standard confirmed
Dec 14, 2022