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ISO 16461:2018

Intelligent transport systems — Criteria for privacy and integrity protection in probe vehicle information systems

Jul 19, 2018

General information

90.60     Dec 3, 2023


ISO/TC 204

International Standard

03.220.01     35.240.60  




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This document specifies the basic rules to be considered by service providers handling privacy in probe vehicle information services. This document is aimed at protecting the privacy as well as the intrinsic rights and interests of the probe data subjects specified in ISO 24100:2010.
This document specifies the following items related to probe vehicle systems (PVS), i.e. systems collecting probe data from private vehicles and processing these probe data statistically towards useful information that can be provided to various end users:
— architecture of the PVS in support of appropriate protection of data integrity and anonymity in the PVS;
— security criteria and requirements for the PVS, specifically requirements for data integrity protection and privacy;
— requirements for correct and anonymous generation and handling of probe data.

Life cycle


ISO 16461:2018
90.60 Close of review
Dec 3, 2023